Johnetta Matthews's - Profile Picture

Hi. I'm Johnetta Matthews!

Let me introduce myself. I'm located in one of the most hospitable towns in Missouri, Pleasant Hill MO, near Lee Summit MO. I'll share more on what I do professionally and leisurely so you can verify if I have the skills you are seeking.

My first introduction to web development involved static HTML websites, Google Adwords campaigns, Adsense, Facebook Ad Campaigns, and Search Engine Optimization. Later, I discovered the importance of blogging and email campaigns to keep close contact with all generated leads. My first lesson was seeing the importance of marketing, user-friendly website layouts. With all of this experience, now I'm on my way to becoming a junior developer.

My goal is to work for a company that will allow me to demonstrate web development skills and create using JavaScript, Node JS, REACT, Postgres and more. I'm currently enrolled at Thinkful in the Software Engineering Immersion program to become a full-stack developer.

About me

On a professional note, I've had a career of training, organizing, and supervising people. My largest highlight has been, serving as a Director of Marketing and Public Affairs for the Air Force. I trained and guided personnel in four counties in Southern California and the entire state of Arizona. I strongly believe I've proven myself as a people person.

Very interested in a Blockchain startup. I'm very interested in the following Blockchain Technologies: Decentralized Smart Contract Development (Solidity) and Security, opportunities to work with Ethereum, Polkadot, and Cosmos platforms, coordination between technical and non-technical departments regarding blockchain implementation, and Research and Development for Behavorial-Driven-Development(BDD). Blockchain and machine learning are the future.

I'm also interested in developing unique niche applications with REACT, Bootstrap, and JSX. Identify a niche, research needs and wants, and give potential customers what they desire in their lives. Neuro-Linguistic Programming has taught me, should focus be on the customer's modalities, an application will have success.

I stumbled into the Virtual World Environment and realized, I enjoyed creating game assets, working with Linden Scripting Language(LSL), and graphic design. The virtual format introduced me to coding and I've been hooked ever since. My goal is to be a creator of applications, websites, or work as a team player to create what a company desires. Contact me and lets create together.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy technology within a 3D virtual environment. The technologies I enjoy are building and scripting motorcycles, videography, choreographing dance routines with animations, 3D modeling in Blender, designing 3D embossed textures, photography, and maintaining my simulation in Second Life that I designed.

The virtual environment has inspired me to learn coding and explore further into technology. The virtual format has been my stepping stone as a creator. It's hard to be in the Virtual World and attend school, so often I research topics such as JavaScript methods, algorithms, and blockchain technologies to enhance my knowledge.

Bike Built In Virtual World - In Second Life Bike Built In Virtual World - In Second Life Bike Built In Virtual World - In Second Life Bike Built In Virtual World - In Second Life


Blockchain Smart Contract - - Johnetta Matthews

Blockchain Smart Contract

This is a description of a Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contract. My goal is to explore Blockchain technology. Coming Soon. I'll share what my goal was in creating it, the skills/languages I applied, and what I learned doing it. *Smart Contract Github Repository

JavaScript Animations Green Sock - Johnetta Matthews

JavaScript Animations Green Sock

This is a description of the Green Sock project. Exploring the creative side of programming and making websites/apps come alive. Coming soon. I'll share what my goal was in creating it, the skills/languages I applied, and what I learned doing it. *Github Javascript Animations Repository

Blockchain Game - Johnetta Matthews

Blockchain Game

This is a description of a Blockchain game. Really looking forward to the world of Blockchain leisure apps for customers' relaxation. I'll share what my goal was in creating it, the skills/languages I applied, and what I learned doing it. *Github Blockchain game Github Repository

Pomodora Timer - Johnetta Matthews

Pomodora Timer

This is a description of the REACT, JavaScript Pomodora Timer. My goal was learning how to create a timer within React framework. I learned how to write cleaner code, brevity, and how to utilize React States properly. This was first React project. *Pomodoro Timer Github Repository


Thanks so much for reading my information. If you wish to contact me, I can be reached at my Linkedin, my Github or at my email: Thanks.
